Booking Terms and Conditions
(Updated April 2024)
By making a booking with The JollyGood Company ​you are agreeing to the terms and conditions below. Please read them carefully and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Bookings can be made via phone (07778 488786)
Or email (
Payments may be made in cash on day of booking or by online bank transfer within 30 days of the date on the invoice.
Payment of Fees Agreement
After this 30 day period, payments not yet received will be subject to an increased fee (+30% of total fee for the booking) to reflect the increased administration time spent reviewing and collecting payments. You will be sent a new invoice and expected to pay the increased fee within 7 days. After this time £10 will be charged for every 7 days thereafter and no further bookings will be made/ any existing bookings will be cancelled until performer has received pay in full.
Cancellation Policy
It is free to cancel bookings more than 7 days before the show, provided The JollyGood Company has been notified in writing. Any cancellations within 7 days of the show will be liable to pay 50% of the agreed fee. For cancellations within 24 hours of time of performance you will be required to pay the full fee.
A suitable performance space must be provided i.e. room to move around, limited background noise (televisions and radios must be turned off etc.). For the safety of the performer, it is important to note that at least one member of staff must be present during performances, whether in a lounge or individual room. The safety of the performer is of utmost importance and so if at any time the performer feels unsafe they reserve the right to stop the session. Any incidents will be discussed with management and payment in full will still be expected.
Our Promise to You
It is the aim of The JollyGood Company to boost mood and wellbeing by delivering a high standard of performance and create a stimulating and interactive experience for all involved. We welcome feedback and are always open to suggestion on ways to tailor sessions for maximum enjoyment of participants. We promise that the performer will do all they can to fit in around your chosen theme and preferences (when requested in good time at least 7 days prior to day of booking) and always show up with enthusiasm.